Welcome to Razova!

Only 10 km from Bruntal city, one hour trip from Olomouc or Ostrava, in amazing quiet land with beautiful views on Slezska Harta dam, near volcanos or Jeseniky mountains, that is Razova village.

First written memories of Razova are dated 1288. Now, more than 700 years ago here live about 500 citizens. In Razova there is a school and nursery school, shop, some restaurants, guesthouses or car service station too.

Our little homestead is situated to a quiet place behind the brook. We can offer you a horseback ride or can try to clean and lead the horse. Enternaining and educational programs for groups of children or adult are prepared for you too and in need we are able to come with horses to your place.

New adventures for 2023-2024 season:

Hurray for obstacles

Trial race

Feeding & Grooming

The whole family farms

Big thanks to MSK who supported all these adventures.


On the Slezska Harta dam with your own horse? Why not !

The Slezska Harta dam is not only a paradise for fishermen, but there are also great terrains for horseback riding. The tourism department of the Moravian-Silesian Region knows this, which is why they supported the building of facilities for horses and riders in Razová. Horses will be offered a shelter with the option of a box, a grass paddock, and a paved area is available for riders, where they can comfortably park a car with a trailer or a motorhome. If they don’t want to see the beauty of the dam, they can train in the newly fenced, safer riding arena. There are also 6 obstacles available to them here. They can then rest on the new rest area right next to the riding arena.


The Slezská Harta Dam is becoming a popular place for tourists not only from the Moravian-Silesian Region

Bruntál, it’s not just the Jeseníky Mountains, more and more tourists are also discovering other unique places. The Slezská Harta dam in particular is enjoying increasing popularity. It offers visitors a rich experience for the whole family.
In the summer season, especially water activities such as swimming, pedal boats, electric boats or the increasingly popular paddleboarding. Sightseeing cruises of the Hart electric boat or a replica of the sailboat Kryštova Kolumba named Santa Maria are also sought after.
However, lovers of other activities will also enjoy themselves, especially hiking, cycling and, last but not least, agrotourism. And just behind it, visitors can go to Razová, where the EquiRelax Slezská Harta association is based. The most sought-after experiences here include horseback riding and pony walks, but the association offers more than 10 different adventure activities for children and adults, individuals and groups, so everyone can choose here. New from this year are four experiences adapted to the handicapped, for which the association, with the financial support of the Moravian-Silesian Region, adapted the facilities and purchased a boarding ramp for easier riding.